Property Council sees advantages in NPS


Property Council has submitted on the Proposed National Policy Statement on Development Capacity (NPS) and sees it as an important step in enabling much needed development in New Zealand’s cities and communities.

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Alex Voutratzis, director of policy and advocacy says “for a number of years, Property Council has called on central government to provide greater leadership in planning for our cities. We welcome this NPS as fruits of this almost singlehanded advocacy.

“The development of the NPS provides a partial, yet pragmatic and responsible answer to the economic and social barriers that are hindering the current and future growth of our cities.”

The Property Council submission supports a planning system that is founded on objective and robust analysis, data, policies and rules. This NPS will help deliver a nationally consistent approach to enabling urban development.

Mr Voutratzis says “the NPS focuses on ensuring a steady supply of land for housing and business development. The policies in the NPS will assist in developing affordable housing and communities for families and first home buyers.

In its submission, Property Council stresses the need for councils to release land in a flexible way, and provide a competitive land market, which will help bring down cost of housing.

Mr Voutratzis says “it is important that councils are flexible about when and where land is released. Predictable land supply is one of the main causes of high land prices. People who own land near to developable land simply hold on to it, which pushes up the price of land.

“The NPS will have far reaching effects and will assist councils with planning for urban growth in the short, medium and long-term. The NPS will provide the development sector with the certainty that there will be a ready supply of land for residential and commercial projects.”

However, Mr Voutratzis points out that “the NPS doesn’t fully address the elephant in the room, that being the funding of the infrastructure required to support our growing cities and communities”.

“The recently announced $1 billion infrastructure fund, while positive, is merely a drop in the bucket. A lot more funding is needed for the prosperity of our cities and communities.

“We need central government to provide councils with a range of funding mechanisms so that the construction, provision and operation of infrastructure does not fall squarely on the shoulders of developers and existing ratepayers.”



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