Draft standard on decontamination of P contaminated homes


Draft standard on testing and decontamination of methamphetamine-contaminated properties available for public comment.

Feedback on a draft standard for the testing and decontamination of methamphetamine-contaminated properties is now sought by Standards New Zealand.

The standard (NZS 8510) provides guidance on methodologies, procedures, and other supporting material that will ensure a consistent and effective approach to managing the testing and decontamination of affected properties and treatment of their contents. It includes recommendations on maximum methamphetamine reside levels (after decontamination) for properties that have been used as clandestine laboratories and for properties where methamphetamine has not been manufactured but has been used.

NZS 8510 is aimed at methamphetamine testing and clean-up/decontamination companies; laboratories that analyse samples taken from methamphetamine contaminated properties; health, safety, and environmental regulators; and property owners, managers, and insurers.

The committee that developed the draft welcomes all feedback on the standard and all comments will be considered individually before the final standard is developed.

The draft can be viewed and downloaded on the Standards New Zealand website and public comment is also submitted through the website. The public comment period for the draft standard is open from 12 December 2016 until 20 February 2017.

The standards development committee is working towards publishing the final standard in April 2017.

There is more information and Qs and As on the development of the standard on the Standards New Zealand website.


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