Construction industry post-lockdown – what you can do now to prepare


The New Zealand Government’s recent announcement that it has established an industry-led taskforce to identify fund large “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects after the COVID-19 lockdown is welcome news to a sector reeling from the impacts of the pandemic

When the time comes, the construction and infrastructure sector will play a critical role in New Zealand’s economic recovery and the government’s acknowledgement of this will help alleviate some concern about what life may look like past the pandemic.

However, emerging reports that one-third of construction sector jobs are currently at risk and many local infrastructure companies are just weeks away from insolvency highlights the stark reality that right now we are in unprecedented times facing unprecedented challenges.

Just as the Government is putting in place a plan to help the infrastructure sector return to work once the restrictions on movement are lifted, so too are many companies who are transforming the way they work to overcome the challenges of isolation and to deliver improved outcomes once the storm has passed.

Like organisations across New Zealand, RICS is adapting to this unprecedented shift in how we work by embracing new technologies and innovation. We are fast-tracking our technological capacity and investing in digital platforms to ensure the services we provide continue to add value and stand the test of these difficult circumstances.

While this headfirst dive into the digital age provides an immediate solution, RICS, like many other organisations, is turning our thoughts to how this shift may transform the way we work in the long-term.

Unexpectedly, COVID-19 is helping to shape the digital future across the built environment as individuals and organisations reassess how they provide their services. We are joining them as we embrace innovative solutions to shift a significant range of our training and events online.

During this time of social distancing it is vital we do not distance ourselves from knowledge and learning. To this end, we have been exploring what extra support we can provide to all construction and infrastructure professionals across the built environment, including members and non-members.

Until the end of July new and renewed RICS members and candidates will have complimentary access to a comprehensive range of online CPD to support their professional development. We are also offering a discounted rate to non-members to ensure they are also supported in continuing their professional development.

We will also be hosting a series of tailored webinars that will analyse the ongoing impact of the pandemic on different elements of the built environment and provide the most up-to-date information and advice for professionals and businesses to help weather the storm.

It is also vital we stay connected with one another. We have recently launched RICS Communities, which is an online platform designed to facilitate global conversations and connections across professional groups.

We are committed to supporting all professionals across the construction and infrastructure sector navigate the challenges of COVID-19. To stay up to date with the latest news on training, events and professional guidance, please visit, our LinkedIn page or contact us at
