The land and buildings housing that formerly housed Auckland’s premier private mental healthcare and substance recovery and treatment centre have been placed on the market for sale. Continue →
A revaluation of property in the Taupo District has revealed a 12 per cent increase in overall capital value since 2013 to a total of $15.07 billion. Continue →
The two-storey freehold building at 68 – 80 Bridge Street houses electronics and appliance retailer Noel Leeming and gymnasium operator MiGym. Continue →
The National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity (NPS) is an important instrument to assist councils to meet demand for urban development. Continue →
Finance minister Bill English has released the government’s Ten Year Capital Intentions Plan (CIP), which shows a pipeline of $100.9 billion worth of infrastructure projects over the next decade. Continue →
An innovative, future-focused development overlooking the shores of Lake Rotorua is set to create employment for the region – with a pledge to use locals to build it. Continue →
By Charles Cooper- managing director – Auckland, Colliers International
Colliers International made history in September, by brokering the country’s biggest single office sale of the Millennium Business Park from Goodman Property to Oyster Property Group for $210 million. Continue →
Oyster Group has unconditionally contracted to purchase the Millennium Centre business park at 600-604 Great South Road in Auckland for just over $210 million, at a yield of 7.25 percent, with settlement due at the end of February 2017. Continue →
The rising Hawke’s Bay commercial property market is achieving “stunning” results says Pat Turley, director of valuers and property strategists Turley & Co. Continue →
Property owners will have no choice but to lock their buildings up and undergo demolition by neglect unless realistic provisions are put in place under the Second Generation District Plan, says Alex Voutratzis, Property Council director of policy and advocacy. Continue →
Earlier this year Parliament passed legislation that requires commercial building owners to earthquake strengthen buildings currently below 34 percent of the Building Code. Continue →
In its recently released report on the retail property sector, Colliers says that report retailers have streamlined their operations, ramped up their sales campaigns and, in some cases, rationalised their space to meet the changing demand of the new consumer. Continue →
Poperty Council New Zealand says it welcomes the re-establishment of Hamilton Properties Limited (HPL), a Hamilton City Council owned development company, but warns that caution is needed when undertaking development projects. Continue →
A large block of undeveloped land identified as big enough to accommodate an approved new industrial or commercial hub in the Waikato township of Morrinsville has been placed on the market for sale. Continue →
As the sharing economy continues to transform every aspect of life, Kiwi businesses are seeking alternatives to one of the last bastions of business tradition: the fixed office environment. Continue →