The Auckland Council Housing Taskforce Report is a huge leap forward to enable more homes to be built in Auckland, believes Property Council Chief Executive Connal Townsend
“If we can implement what the report recommends, more homes will be built and it will give Aucklanders a better chance of owning a home.
“The report is the first time we have seen a clear understanding of the housing challenges in Auckland and a proactive approach that recognises the difference between building houses and homes.
“Building “houses” is what we have done in the past, whereby we allocate a space and put houses on it.
“However, there is no infrastructure to support those houses such as schools, parks, shops, libraries and importantly roading and good public transport.
“All the things people need to live, work and play.
“We need to build Aucklanders more homes.
“Homes are about building fantastic, vibrant living environments, that are supported by great infrastructure.
“Developers understand this, and are delivering as best they can but they need the barriers to be removed.”
Townsend points out that the report provides a great “cohesive industry wide plan” but cautions that all changes must be implemented, as no one change will be sufficient.
“There is no silver bullet, particularly when you are addressing the impediments to the construction sector and building at scale.
“You can’t pick and choose, it all needs to be done in a coordinated way.”
According to Townsend, Property Council members were invited onto the taskforce to provide insight and context into the many barriers holding back property development in Auckland.
“Property developers are ready and if we can start to pick off some of the obstacles highlighted in the report we will enable developers to deliver quality homes to Aucklanders.
“It’s a great report as the hardest part is identifying and understanding the problem.
“Next step is to make it happen,” he says.