How Takapuna became Auckland’s fastest growing suburb


Takapuna’s median house price went up a staggering 30% in just one year, making it Auckland’s fastest growing suburb according to the latest Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) data. This comes as no surprise to Terence Harpur, chief executive of the Takapuna Beach Business Association, who says it reflects the area’s significant activity and buoyancy

The REINZ data covers sales activity around Auckland in the six months to the end of March, compared to the same time the previous year. While some suburbs experienced big falls, Takapuna led the pack of those which enjoyed the biggest increases.

REINZ has today crowned Takapuna ‘Auckland’s fastest-growing suburb’ and reports its median house price rose 30% from $1m last year to $1.3m.

“There is so much going on in Takapuna when it comes to commercial, retail, and residential property not to mention all the Auckland Council–led developments and upgrades. Takapuna is going through a major transformation and its future has never looked brighter,” says Mr Harpur.

Panuku Development Auckland is leading the charge to create an open, vibrant retail destination focused on people and a better connection to the beach. It’s tasked with partnering with the private sector to deliver a high-quality mixed-use precinct, currently the Anzac Street carpark site, with a key component being a brand-new town square.

A significant upgrade of Takapuna’s main street, Hurstmere Road, is in detailed design with construction expected towards the end of this year. While Panuku is now constructing the multi-level Gasometer carpark building on Huron Street for 420 cars.

Mr Harpur says Takapuna’s impetus follows the Auckland Plan identifying it as one of Auckland’s 10 metropolitan centres with Unitary Plan zoning now enabling significant growth and intensification in and around central Takapuna.

“We’re currently seeing apartment complexes going up on the fringe of central Takapuna, with more than 400 individual apartments coming to market which will be great for our retailers and many hospitality operators.”

He says Takapuna is only getting more and more sought-after.

“We’re seeing old buildings getting upgraded, developers creating new spaces to attract even more eateries, rising commercial property prices, and a general increase in buoyancy and business confidence. And now we’re also home to the strongest increases in house prices in Auckland. It’s certainly an exciting time for Takapuna,” says Mr Harpur.

Talking Takapuna

Video by Kor Creative
With significant transformation underway, the Takapuna Beach Business Association has now launched ‘Talking Takapuna’ – a regular video update on developments, future plans, and events.

Harpur says ‘Talking Takapuna’ is aimed at local businesspeople, residents and visitors alike:

“Takapuna’s future is very bright with so much going on. We want to give people the latest news on key Auckland Council–led developments and upgrades, as well as local events, and the likes of our stunning hospitality offering,” says Mr Harpur.

Panuku Development Auckland is leading the charge to create an open, vibrant retail destination focused on people and with a better connection to the beach. It’s tasked with delivering a high-quality mixed-use precinct, currently known as the Anzac Street carpark, with a key component being a brand-new town square. CBRE is currently seeking high-calibre developers to partner with Panuku. The Expressions of Interest process closes on 6 May.

Takapuna’s town square will link to Hurstmere Road to better connect and re-orientate central Takapuna. To ensure this, an old shop on the main street has recently been demolished with a temporary public space now open for use at 38 Hurstmere Road.

“Over the coming months this temporary pubic space is going to be home to lots of activities and activations and so we’re inviting people to come and check it out. We want people to give us feedback on various design elements which could then be incorporated into the larger permanent town square with its draft concept out for public consultation soon.”

‘Talking Takapuna’ also reports on the good progress being made by Punuku with the construction of the multi-level Gasometer carpark building on Huron Street for 420 cars. The project is so far ahead of schedule.

Another key component of Takapuna’s more people and pedestrian-friendly future is a significant upgrade of Hurstmere Road currently in detailed design.

“As well as the major revitalisation projects underway, Takapuna’s home to lot of entertainment options including next month’s New Zealand International Comedy Festival at the Bruce Mason Centre. Everything that’s happening can all be found on our ‘I love Takapuna’ website,” says Mr Harpur.

Terence Harpur

Takapuna Beach Business Association

(021) 187-3715


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